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Muscle Growth

The Effect of Hormones on Muscle Growth ...

Muscle Growth Physiology

After a strenuous physical activity, the body repairs damaged muscle fibers via a cellular process where muscle fibers fuse together to form myofibrils. The myofibrils that have been repaired increase in number and thickness, leading to muscle growth. When the rate of synthesis of muscle protein is higher than the rate of breakdown of muscle protein, muscle growth occurs. Satellite cells act like stem cells for muscles. When activated, stem cells add nuclei to muscle cells, contributing directly to myofibril growth. The more the satellite cells are activated, the more muscle growth is likely to occur.

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The Three Mechanisms of Muscle Growth

The ability to apply more stress on muscles is the underlying factor in natural muscle growth. The stress disrupts the body’s homeostasis and has a major role to play in muscle growth. Both the stress and the homeostasis change cause the three mechanisms that trigger muscle growth.

  1. Muscle Tension

For muscle growth to occur, you have to apply more stress than what the body is used to. You can do this by progressively lifting weights that are heavier. The added tension changes the muscle chemistry and allows the activation of satellite cells and growth factors like mTOR. The tension also affects the way the motor units and the muscle cells connect.

  1. Muscle Damage

The muscle damage that occurs after strenuous exercise causes immune system cells and inflammatory molecules to be released which activate satellite cells to add nuclei to muscle cells and accelerate the growth of myofibrils.

  • Metabolic Stress

The swelling around muscles due to metabolic stress contributes to muscle growth without an increase in muscle cell size. This occurs because muscle glycogen is added which causes the muscles to swell. This is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy with the best sarms supplier usa.

The Effect of Hormones on Muscle Growth

Hormones regulate the activity of satellite cells and are therefore involved in muscle growth. The three important hormones in promoting musclePeptidesHealth 14 150x150 - Muscle Growth growth are Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1 / IGF 1 LR3), testosterone and Mecho-Growth Factor (MGF). Testosterone increases the synthesis of proteins, activates satellite cells, inhibits protein break-down and stimulates anabolic hormones. Strength training helps to release testosterone and makes the muscle cell receptors to be more sensitive to the free testosterone.

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Testosterone also increases availability of neurotransmitters at damaged sites of muscle fibers and therefore stimulates growth hormone response, which activates tissue growth. The IGF enhances protein synthesis, facilitates uptake of glucose and repartitions amino acid uptake into skeletal muscles as well as activates satellite cells to increase muscle growth.

Muscles need rest to grow because lack of rest can reverse the anabolic process and put the body in the catabolic state. Muscle growth depends on other factors like genetics, gender and age. There is more testosterone in men than women and therefore men can build bigger muscles that are stronger.


In conclusion, for muscle growth to take place. You have to exert more stress on the muscles that what they have been previously adapted to. You can do this by lifting heavier weights and changing your exercises frequently to damage the muscle fibers and cause the muscles to fatigue. After workout, you have to rest and eat well to allow the muscles to regenerate and grow.

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This post was last modified on September 16, 2018, 1:30 pm
