Categories: Lean Muscle Gain

Understanding Ligandrol Side Effects and Benefits

To know more about Ligandrol side effects, it is important to understand the purpose of the drug and other compounds…

To know more about Ligandrol side effects, it is important to understand the purpose of the drug and other compounds related to its development.

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Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Because of this, bodybuilders resort to other forms of enhancing their bodies. Some enhancements may include the use of steroids. Using anabolic steroids is associated with enhanced muscle growth and physical performance. Anabolic steroids are steroidal androgens composed of natural androgens (such as testosterone) and synthetic substances compounded to imitate the effects of testosterone.

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Bodybuilders who have first-hand experience with the use of anabolic steroids can swear by the improvement of the cutting, bulking, and gains they get out of using the compound. However, most often, bodybuilders would abuse the use of steroids to achieve their physique.


As a result, bodybuilders experience the side effects of using anabolic steroids such as acne resulting from oily skin and hair. It can also cause hair loss. More adverse side effects include diseases in the internal organs such as liver, kidney, and heart.

Anabolic steroid abuse is also known to cause high blood pressure and psychological disorders. Physiological effects include shrinking of the testicles, excessive hair growth, a decline of sperm count, and breast enlargement.

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SARMs Development

The adverse effects of using anabolic steroids clearly outweigh the benefits. With this, scientists developed new compounds that can be used for performance enhancement and muscle growth while trying to lessen the adverse effects. These compounds are called selective androgen receptor modulators or SARMs.

SARMs are known to have similar effects to that of anabolic steroids but in a much more particular extent. The development of SARMs is targeted to have the muscle growth, fat loss, and performance enhancement effects of anabolic steroids while eliminating its reversible and irreversible adverse effects. BUILD YOUR ULTIMATE BODY FAST WITH 100% LEGAL STEROIDS >> Learn more

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Some of the popular types of SARMs are MK-2866 or GTx-024 (Ostarine), LGD-3303, GSX-007 or S-4 (Andarine), GW-501516 (Cardarine), and LGD-4033 (Ligandrol). These types of SARMs are used by body builders or clinically used for other clinical conditions.

Ligandrol or LGD-4033

ligandrol side effectsLGD-4033, or more popularly known as Ligandrol, works as SARM and is popular among body builders for cutting and bulking. This testosterone booster is used for lean mass gain. It is typically administered in doses of 10 mg per day. In taking the supplement with this dosage, studies show that users get results of five to ten pounds of gain in a month.

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Among bodybuilders, Ligandrol side effects are known to be a lot less than the effects of using anabolic steroids. Ligandrol is also known to be eleven times more efficient than Ostarine, which is its big competitor.

The Ligandrol is not only used by bodybuilders but also for cancer patients suffering from muscle wasting. This drug can help cancer patients gain more lean muscles than expected.

As opposed to anabolic steroids which are administered through injection, Ligandrol is taken orally in doses of 2 mg to 10 mg a day. The cycle length varies, but muscle development is observable within the range of 6 weeks to 8-week cycle.

Ligandrol Side Effects

The significance of the development and use of Ligandrol is that it delivers the inherent benefits of SARMs. These advantages include muscle growth and performance enhancement. According to clinical studies, this testosterone booster, unlike anabolic steroids, is considerably safe and efficient. It poses no drug to drug interactions.

Also, with the use of Ligandrol, liver enzymes such as ALT and AST are maintained within their normal thresholds. Though Ligandrol has been tested to be safe and effective, this does not mean that there are absolutely no side effects. Our body is designed to react to substances that we put in.

There were some reported side effects with the use of Ligandrol. However, with the novelty of the compound, there are still not enough studies to have a conclusive result to describe its long-term side effects. Some of the reported Ligandrol side effects include the following:

  • Suppression of Testosterone – Studies regarding the use of Ligandrol reveals that testosterone levels can be significantly suppressed. One of the effects of this suppression is the decline of sex hormone-binding globulin, also known as SGBH levels.

Good to know

In relation to this, a user was reported having felt a decrease in his libido for more than two weeks within his eight-week cycle of Ligandrol usage. As such, he also felt an effect on his confidence because of this.

However, the upside of using Ligandrol is that it takes a considerably short period, approximately one to three weeks, for testosterone level to go back to its normal level after use.

Other reported Ligandrol side effects associated with the hormonal level changes are as follows:

  1. Acne
  2. Hair loss
  3. Calf cramps – A user reported having experienced calf cramps during Ligandrol intake.
  4. Vomiting, headache, and dry mouth – A user also reported feeling these signs and symptoms. These side effects were reported upon starting to use Ligandrol.

After using Ligandrol, a mini PCT or post cycle therapy is recommended. However, PCT is not necessarily required because of the body from the drug, and because there are no serious side effects of its use.


Ligandrol can be considered as one of the best performing SARMs available in the market today based on its effectiveness. It is a very efficient substitute to anabolic steroids because of its selective properties.

The drug supports performance enhancement and lean muscle growth. This testosterone booster can be used by bodybuilders, powerlifters, cross fitters, and models. It is recommended for cutting and bulking. There are also other clinical uses of Ligandrol.

Also, it performs well as opposed to other popular selective androgen receptor modulators. The only primary concern about using Ligandrol is the suppression of testosterone level. It results in other observable side effects. However, studies show no long-term adverse Ligandrol side effects.

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This post was last modified on September 16, 2018, 1:40 pm

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